Take Action

Host an event

Schedule A Speaker

Would you or your organization/group like to learn more about human trafficking? Allies has the ability and flexibility to offer a variety of presentations to be tailored to your needs. These can include:
  • What the issue looks like locally and how it might affect your community
  • How you and your community can get involved
  • Knowing the warning signs of human trafficking
  • The basics of human trafficking for youth
 Interested in having a Human Trafficking 101 presentation or want more information? Contact our Founder/Executive Director, Jessica Evans at Jessica@allies-inc.org.

Host A Gathering

The “red light district” is well-known as a place where trafficking thrives. We want to shine a bright light on trafficking and make our community a safe place for everyone. White Light Gatherings will be a place for people to learn about the issue and be empowered to make a difference. We can make a MUCH bigger impact when we all work together! Would you like to become a host? Hosts commit to inviting friends, family, coworkers or neighbors to a gathering. We’ll set you up with everything you need to make it as easy as possible to participate (information, films, books, donation options, etc), and if you'd like, we're happy to join your gathering to help educate the people you're with! You can host ANY kind of gathering you'd like! Wondering what kind of gathering works best for you? Here are some ideas:
  • Lunch and learn at work
  • Host a dinner at your home
  • Meet up at a restaurant
  • Wine and desserts in comfy clothes on your couch
  • Virtual party on your favorite online platform
  • Group playdate with your SAHM friends
  • Get-together at your church after a service
  • Happy hour at your favorite pub
 Email Jessica@allies-inc.org to learn more about hosting a White Light Gathering!